The lives of a very busy family of five!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Halloween Pics

And the deluge of photos begins.

Here's pics from Halloween. My dear mom made outfits for everyone but me (I recycled an old can-can skirt that I made years back into a pirate. Someone dubbed me "Keira Knightly" at the church Halloween party. Ha.)

I give you the jedi, the jedi, Minnie Mouse, and a pirate with a healthy appetite. (hey, no one said we had to have a cohesive family outfit):

I know. It's like attack of the Mini-Mes. Lumpkin was obviously into it.


Thank you Nana for the lovely outfit!

Minnie and her Jedi.

Looking tough

And my personal fave...

Cute? Who me?

Are you ready for some blogging?'s back on!

Well, almost.

Our Internet package arrived in the mail yesterday, only to find out our Mac Airport does not count as a cable modem, so after a short trip to the Comcast store today, it should be back on. :) And yes, I get a big FAIL in the technology dept. And the blogging dept for the past few months, so I have a LOT of photos to post. Here's a few of our namesake to keep you satisfied.

Ladies and gentleman...Miss Linny Lumpkin:

I can fly!!

This was four teeth ago!

Dad has good taste in tights. :)

Cruising with her "bebe".

Thank you Aunti Katy for my apple outfit! We loves it.

Updates on Linny:
  • I can walk! (4 or 5 steps, and then I fall down)
  • I can talk! A lot: Mama, Dada, Brudda/Ad-an, Cracka (cracker), Nana (both Banana and Nana Jenn), Dees! (I think it's this, she says it while pointing to stuff), Car, Ball, and her first word: "Book!"
  • She babbles a lot too. The most endearing sounds something like, "Gliba-gliba-glaba-glaba".

  • She loooves books and cell phones and goes after both. She hold anything phone-like - her play phone, the remote (it is shiny, after all), to her ear and says, "Ado!"

  • She loves her blankies and dollies.

  • She also loves her big brothers' toys, much to his dismay - action figures, cars, everything.

  • She can wave (she got lots of practice during the Christmas parade).

  • She blows big kisses and says "muah!"

  • She still never naps, except for a half hour here and there, but sleeps pretty good at night.

  • Last night was the first night she actually fell asleep in my arms, with the exception of when she had the flu.

  • She is a terror during diaper changes.

  • She has started having fits; her first was on Thanksgiving.

  • She loves music and dancing - she dances to everything, and will sing sometimes, or imitate us singing. Chris caught her playing her xylophone and singing to herself yesterday.

  • She has six teeth! And...
  • She turned ONE last month! (Those pics will be it's own post).

Aden deserves his own update, so look for that, as well as Halloween pics, her birthday pics, Thanksgiving pics...all hopefully before Christmas. I have some downloading to do. :)

In the meantime, here's one more of Linny looking lovely from several months ago: