The lives of a very busy family of five!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Love this article!

Someone forwarded me this. Love it!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Weatherman's barometer needs a tune-up

The weather was 90 degrees today!  90!  The forecast said it would be a high of 70. 

It was a beautiful day though.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Oregon Trip

Last weekend my mom and I went to Oregon (Southern Oregon) for the weekend to visit family. We mainly went to visit my grandmother - the last of my living grandparents - who has Alzheimer's and is starting to get a bit worse. It's sort of a one-sided conversation these days, but she was very excited to see the baby. It was good to see her.

I also learned something very important on this trip: no more road trips with the baby! Seriously. A usually calm 6 hour trip turned into a 9 hour ordeal. And did I mention she would NOT nurse the entire trip? Total Scorpio, that one.

We are SO flying to Disneyland next month.

Pictures below!

A tired mama and baby

My cousin Jen's art studio. LOVE her stuff!

Aunt Cathy and the cutie.

My cousin Shaula, practicing her momma skills. We're only 5 years apart, but we've never really gotten to know each other. We got some good quality time this trip. She's awesome. :)

My momma & her sisters. Take a good look, people. That's me in 20 years!

Grandma playing with Lumpkin. I didn't realize until I looked at these pictures how old she's gotten.

Four generations! What a cool shot...

Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Official.

I have the cutest baby, ever. Just try to fight me on this:

Game. Set. Match.

The Afrumas Visit!

March was a lovely month, because my bestest friend Katy came to visit along with her husband Michael and her mini-me, Peanut.

Katy is the friend who gets me cards that say "You're the kind of friend I can tell anything" and when you open the card it says, "My butt itches. See? Anything." I was a holding a leg when Peanut came out and cried half the way to California when I moved 2 weeks later. I miss her.

It was fun just being mommas together, chasing the kiddies around. The visit culminated in a dinner at the Taylor's (Katy's parents) house, with my parents and all of us friends who used to hang out watching X-files and are now chasing our mini-me's around. Nostalgic, wierd... and great. Unfortunately Chris had to miss the festivities; he was working. (Sad). But I had a blast!

The Mommas

The kiddos chillin

Katy with our mini-mes!

Peanut chowing down. Note her picture in the background.

Awww! Kisses!

Mikkel and his (very happy) mini-me.

Corbin Dallas (not really), the official screen opener.

The papas!

The crew.

Note: I will try and post the pics larger next time. It's taking me FOREVER to post them. I need to tweak with my photos. Patience, Iago....

Welcome to Linny Lumpkin

After much thought, we have finally done it - we've started a blog.  (Ok, that's not really true. Alyssa has started a blog.  Once Chris starts posting, then we'll migrate to "we").  

Really, this is mostly so all our friends and family from far away can see all the pictures and stories about our family. However, if other people want to check it out the cutest kids in the world, so be it.  :)

The first few posts will be from March - I gotta back track a bit - but I will do my best to stay current after that (feel free to ride me if I don't).

With that outta the way, on to blogging...