The lives of a very busy family of five!

Friday, May 9, 2008


Today has just been one of "those" days.  One of those weeks, really (and this was supposed to be a relaxing week)!

Only parents, or those who are constantly around children, can really understand what a bad day with kids is like.  It's usually not anything horrible... no one got hit by a car, no one did anything particularly embarrassing like swearing loudly in the checkout line or asking why that person looked funny, no one threw up all over me.  

It's more like Chinese water torture... an emotional drip, drip, drip until your forehead is numb and you feel like you are going to explode in hysterics.  

As I write this, Linny Lumpkin is screaming in the other room.  I have done everything possible - everything - to try and soothe her. I rocked her. I nursed her. I tried a bottle (both with and without rice cereal). I tried Children's Tylenol. I tried just holding her and shushing... nothing has worked. I finally just put her back in her room, waiting until she cries herself into an exhausted sleep. I hate it - every fiber in me wants to comfort her - but I've done all I can. She has Pumpkin's cold - runny nose, red eyes, a croupy cough - and on top of that is cutting her first tooth. I can actually feel the sharp little edge poking through her poor gums. I am no match.

Today was my afternoon off to be with the kids.  It was supposed to be a fun and relaxing afternoon - beautiful weather, a trip to the park, hang out with friends... but no.  As I mentioned, Lumpkin has a cold and is teething (no match, I tell you). Pumpkin is just getting over the same cold and is still at that snotty, coughy post-cold stage.  I was hoping to get some much-needed work done at home while the kids slept, but true to form, Lumpkin woke up from her nap the second I had put Pumpkin down for his.  Plus, I had to wake Pumpkin up from his nap to take the baby to the baby to the doctor... and I have been suffering the consequences of it ever since.

You would think 2 hours would have been plenty, but post-preschool with a cold, no.  I love our Pumpkin dearly, but when he is tired and not feeling well (and in typical kid-like fashion, doesn't know it!), he is Chinese Water Torture!  It was this wierd combination of bored, whiney, hyper, attention-seeking, demanding and bossy all at once.  Examples:

As I go to get him his promised snack:  
"Don't forget... I want an apple!  And not a smushy one like last time."

At the doctor's:
"They have a lot of candy here.  Can I have a lollipop?"
"Yes,, but you have to promise me that you'll be really good, and play quietly in the corner while I talk to the doctor."
"I promise!"

While I am trying to discuss Lumpkin with the doctor (as he climbs on my lap): 
I'm the big brother!  What's that?  What does that mean?  Does that mean she won't heal? I can't see! Am I getting a shot?  Can I still have a lollipop?

Dinner:  "I ate all my food!  Can I have dessert?" 
Me: "Nope, as I said before, no dessert and no snacks."
Pumpkin promptly opens the freezer to expect for himself.  
About 5 minutes later:
"Can I have a cheesy stick?"
Drip Drip.

At bedtime, Lumpkin was fast asleep until 10 minutes after Pumpkin was in bed.  Then she started crying mercilessly... this pathetic, coughy, croupy cry.  So of course Pumpkin starts YELLING:  "MOOOOOOM. The baby is crying!"
Drip drip drip drip... 

Going in the room, of course, means that it's free reign to stall bedtime further.  As I tried desperately to rock Lumpkin to sleep, Pumpkin sat straight up in bed, "Hi Mom!"  About two seconds after "Not another word!" he was still sitting straight up, grinning at me like he had just stolen a cookie. Two cookies.

It's almost 10pm now, and I think - I hope - the baby is finally fast asleep.  I'm dying to watch my rental movie (Juno), but all around me is the trashed house and unfinished work that I will probably end up doing this weekend.  Although I don't know when, as I am home alone with the kids almost all weekend.

Ahhh... and there's the screaming again.

Maybe I'll just curl up in a good hole.


Lori Huneke said...

happy mothers day!! =)

jenijennjen said...

ha ha ha. if you find a good hole to curl up in let me know and i'll come join you! he he. yay! i'm glad you have a blog ( i just realized it)