The lives of a very busy family of five!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

May the Shortcake bring you peace...

I am so glad I saw the video below. I was about ready to drop-kick someone. It has not been a good day. Kinko's is ruining my universe right now.

But then... then... I was 6 years old, watching Strawberry Shortcake:

Ahhhh....peace. For some reason the VHS tracking makes it even better - it's the nostaligia of the 80s, I guess.

PS. they are updating Strawberry Shortcake again! Sacrilige! Oh well, they already ruined her for our generation. I'm hitting eBay for some real Peculiar Purple Pie Man goodness:

PPS. Bonus! More 80s goodness... see the shining light!

Back to the grind...


Kara said...

I have the REAL man. In fact, I have lots of the original stuff. Jumpback, they're MINE. See, no matter how old you are it's still hard to share!!

RE: peanut said...

Ryan is asking, "AGAIN, Mommy, again!"

jenijennjen said...

i was a total strawberry shortcake fan as a kid. i bought a couple of the books at a thrift store and chloe LOVES them!! i really wish they would bring back he-man and she-ra.... that would totally rock!