The lives of a very busy family of five!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hurrah for Mother's Day... and pictures!

Happy Mother's Day to all those wonderful mothers out there! I would list you all but then I would forget someone important and feel bad. So, I will only mention my own mom, who I adore. She's rad. We were supposed to see her later, but the poor Lumpkin has a fever, so instead I brought her some homemade coffee cake and strawberries this morning.

I wish my hubby was here - busiest day of the year for a chef - but I'm happy to lounge around with the kiddos all day and watch movies. In a (pretty) clean house. :)

And I'm looking forward to our makeup-date night and dinner this week. Date night! As two working parents who work opposite schedules, date night is a rare treat. I'm excited.

In other good news, I finally - finally! - was able to get my camera to download pictures properly. So I have a whole slew of pictures to share. Considering I was MIA on here for most of 2009, I'll post some oldies but goodies, along with current stuff, over the next few days.

For now, here's a picture of the kiddos that I love. It's SO their personalities. Pumpkin's looking silly with no teeth, Lumpkin looks so excited she may eat you, and the Dumplin' is just sitting there like, "Why you makin' me take a picture with these fools?"

Happy Mother's Day!

And, might I add, Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers who are raising children they did not birth - whether through adoption, marriage, or other circumstances, they are no less our children than the ones we popped out. We are all mothers, and we. are. awesome.


PS: In case you think I am doing nothing for Mother's Day at all, I failed to mention that tonight's post-bedtimes plans include Mommy's (solo) date with a book and a bath. For real.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SO cute! Happy belated Mother's Day!!